Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reflections on the Semester

  • I learned a lot of cool stuff in this class. Unlike other school subjects, I will be able to use what I learned to better my photography for the rest of my life. I learned how to make negatives, why some photos come out of the way they do, how to work a camera properly, shutter speed, and last but not least apature. I also learned a bunch of other neat things but, I think the most important one was learning how to use Photoshop. When I'm looking at other pictures now I challenge myself to try to find errors they made with Photoshop.
  • Through taking this class I discovered that I am not as patient as I thought I was. I also learned I enjoy taking pictures of scenery and animals more then I do for humans. Maybe aliens would be cool to photograph but I doubt I will ever have that opportunity! 
  • Well that is a very difficult question because I didn't exactly come into this class with any expectations of what projects we will be doing! Im sure there are a bunch of awesome projects, but I dont know what they are/would be.
  • I struggled a lot...and i do mean a lot...with the film project. I enjoyed taking the pictures, but trying to develop the pictures we took was very difficult and I dont think we had enough time in one period to be as thorough as we could/should.
  • What did I conquer? I conquered this class!!! I took pictures I most likely never would have if it wasn't for this class. Your expectations pushed me to take better pictures, and I thank you for that! :) I also conquered myself in a way...? I pushed myself to look for objects or scenes to take a stunning photo.

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